magic school bu

연령 8~13세 | 출판사 비룡소 | 출간일 1999년 11월 18일 | 정가 8,000원
수상/추천 데이비드 맥코드 문학상 외 7건

magic school bus was very funny and fun!because I read all the magic school bus book!
ms.frizzles children was very excited. they went to a lots of adventure. at number 5 they went diving under water. they saw a BRAIN COLAL.then, they saw a big blue shark. then, they saw a cute tiny fish. they was learning about difference dress and clothes always change everyday at mid night or mid day. then ms .frizzle can do something magic and she can drive a car or a truck or driveing a taxi. then the school bus can turn to everything new that the children never saw. the bus can get inside the sea or a cake.i want to catch shark or a crab. i donot want to catch a tiny fish that is more small then a baby bacause is too tiny and small. i like the biggest shark in the world like a giant like 90000 floor and is too big for the sea . my favourite place is beACH BECAUSE we can find a shell and the fish and a sting ray . dolphins are smart but sharks are not such smart fish because sharks have a small tiny brain. but dolphins have a big giant iam finished. bye bye. THE END